Wisdom Teeth: To Remove or Not to Remove?

tooth extraction

To begin with, your mouth goes through many changes in your lifetime. If you are between the ages of 17 and 21; one major dental milestone that usually takes place is the appearance of your third molars. Traditionally, dentists call these teeth wisdom teeth. This is because they come through at a more mature age.
To put it in simple words, if they come through perfectly, healthy wisdom teeth can help you chew. However, it’s standard to feel a little uneasiness when your wisdom teeth come out. Nevertheless, if you have pain, consult your dentist immediately. Though, it can get confusing often wisdom teeth: to remove or not to remove.
There seems to be a lot of mystification and apprehension about if one would choose to remove wisdom teeth. This blog intends to clear up confusion on wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Teeth Removal: When Is It Necessary?

To begin with, wisdom teeth are generally removed only if they cause problems. Though, at times they are removed if the dentist anticipates problems in the future. Well, there are no scientifically confirmed health benefits of pulling wisdom teeth that don’t cause any problems.

Enough Room to Grow?

If there isn’t sufficient room for them to surface or they grow through in the wrong position; wisdom teeth can lead to problems. If your dentist Toluca Lake notices that your wisdom teeth made their way through your gums in the wrong way while monitoring your mouth; he would suggest removing them.
To put it in simple words, wisdom teeth that aren’t in the accurate position can allow food to become trapped. Subsequently, it gives cavity-causing bacteria a place to breed.
At times, if the wisdom teeth don’t come in properly, it can be difficult for you to floss between the wisdom teeth and the molars next to them.

Reasons You Might Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

wisdom tooth

To put it in simple words, dentists recommend removing the wisdom teeth when there is an indication of changes in the mouth such as:

  • Pain
  • Cysts
  • Infection
  • Tumors
  • Damage to neighboring teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay

Dr. Sahakyan, your Toluca Lake dentist may also advise the removal of wisdom teeth as part of treatment for braces or other dental care.

Keeping Your Wisdom Teeth?

If you have a bigger mouth or more space and choose not to remove the wisdom teeth; go for a diagnosis by Dr. Sahakyan, beforehand. You may continue having the wisdom teeth if they are:

  • Healthy
  • Fully erupted
  • Positioned correctly
  • Biting properly with their opposing teeth
  • Can be cleaned easily as part of daily hygiene practices

What Happens if You Haven’t Removed Your Teeth?

Dr. Sahakyan, may at times recommend that you should remove the teeth. This is basically when he realizes that there could be trouble if your wisdom teeth are not removed. Particularly, if these teeth can be found to grow in an odd direction. When these teeth come up through the gums, it can give you a sense of discomfort. To put it in simple words, it can create pain. The most horrible condition is that you have an impacted wisdom tooth. This happens when the tooth enters at an angle and presses over other teeth. Impacted teeth can be exceedingly painful. Besides, this can cause the mouth and jaw to puff up.

Why Choose My Dentist Toluca Lake?

If you should remove your wisdom teeth; isn’t an easy decision. Consult with your dentist about the position and health of your wisdom teeth. For more assistance on Wisdom Teeth Toluca Lake, call 818-483-9077 to book an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan.


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