Acid Reflux: How Can I Protect My Teeth from Acid Reflux?

dental problems

Did you wake up in the morning with a mouth full of sour acid? Generally, in such a situation we take antacids and wait for things to get better. It is only when we notice that teeth are getting exceedingly sensitive, gums and tongue feeling raw and throat paining constantly; we get panic. The good news is, early detection and discussion with your dentist can help you protect your teeth.

To begin with, let’s first understand the reason for such issues. To put it in simple words, the reason is Acid reflux. Acid reflux is a situation when acid formed by the stomach moves up into the esophagus, causing chest pain known as heartburn. However, did you know it silently damages your teeth? Yes, you read it right! The acid produced can erode the enamel, the hard outer layer that protects the teeth from severe temperatures, acids, and chemicals.

Food and Dietary Habits Responsible for Acid Reflux Include:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Eating large meals
  • A high intake of table salt
  • Consuming chocolate, carbonated drinks, and acidic juices
  • A diet low in dietary fiber
  • Lying down immediately after a meal

When Do You Need Dentist Toluca Lake for Acid Reflux?

Tooth damage because of acid reflux should be diagnosed and a dentist should be consulted at the initial stage. Wondering how to understand if it is time to seek advice from a dentist? Well, let’s discuss some of the obvious oral symptoms.

Common Oral Symptoms

dental problems

  • Sour taste
  • Excess salivation
  • Dysphagia
  • Pain on swallowing
  • Tooth sensitiveness
  • Mouth pain
  • Demineralization of enamel
  • Excessive erosion of enamel
  • Persistent decay

Acid Reflux Toluca Lake Treatment

We cannot overlook the importance of getting a regular oral exam done by a dentist. The dentist may come across early symptoms of a potentially serious problem before it progresses. In fact, most systemic diseases have oral symptoms that are noticed during an oral exam by a dentist. When you consult Dr. Sahakya, at My Dentist Toluca Lake dental clinic he would examine your teeth thoroughly and suggest you accordingly. The dentist may suggest lifestyle changes– such as avoiding large, spicy, and fatty meals, particularly before bed. You should follow as recommended to protect your teeth from further decay.

Suggestions from Toluca Lake Dentist

Mix a small amount of baking soda with water. Then rinse your mouth with this solution.
Practice good oral hygiene. Brush at least twice a day. Rinse your mouth out with water and wait 15 minutes before brushing.

It is advised not to skip your 6-month checkups. The treatment is decided on the extent of the damage. Dentist Toluca Lake comes up with a custom-tailored solution. Habitual visits to the dentist can ensure that your acid reflux is under control and that you are following the right steps to reduce damage to the enamel of your teeth.

Why Choose Us as Toluca Lake Dentists?

Dentists at My Dentist Toluca Lake have extensive knowledge about all dental procedures and treatments. Dr. Sahakyan, an expert dentist at Toluca Lake is a dependable name. He is renowned for delivering efficient service to patients in the most affectionate manner possible. So don’t wait! If you are concerned, acid reflux might be affecting your teeth call our office at 818-483-9077 to schedule an appointment to safeguard your oral health. The expert team of dentists would love to discuss all your concerns and help you address your dental issues in the best way possible.

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