Sore Gums: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Treatment

dental problems

Redness, sores, swelling, pain, ulcers, or bleeding are common problems. To put it in simple words, sore gums are generally caused by inflammation or infection of the gums. This happens usually because of poor oral hygiene. Furthermore, the symptoms could be regular or variable and may deteriorate while you eat or drink. Most importantly, gum pain could be of various types. The pain could be dull, sharp, piercing, burning, or hammering, ranging in intensity from gentle to harsh.

This blog intends to explain the symptoms, causes, and treatment of sore gums.

Sore Gums: Symptoms

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Bright red gums
  • Gums look glossy
  • Gums tender when touched but are painless otherwise
  • Painful mouth sores
  • Receding gums
  • Ulcers with a white or yellow center

Now that you know the signs (symptoms) of sore gums you must be wondering to know the causes. Let’s discuss the common causes of sore gums.

What Causes Sore Gums?

  • Brushing too hard
  • Improper flossing techniques
  • Infection
  • Various gum disease
  • Medications such as birth control pills
  • Rough edges of filling
  • Ill-fitting
  • Hormonal changes during puberty

To put it in simple words, multiple factors result in inflammation of the gums. Sore gums may be
caused due to inflammation because of plaque on the teeth. Most frequently people do not practice good oral hygiene.

To begin with, paying special attention to your gums is exceedingly important. Some of the practices that can help you stay away from gum sore are brushing at least twice a day with a sensitive toothpaste, using a soft-bristle toothbrush, flossing at least once per day; eating a well-balanced diet, staying away from sugary drinks and food, and most importantly, a routine check-up by your dentist.

When to See a Dentist?

To treat sore or bleeding gums, and prevent further gum issues you should visit your dentist immediately as you notice the symptoms. To put it in simple words, gum pain can be easily treated or relieved if diagnosed at the initial stage. However, if neglected, gum pain can be an indication of a bigger oral health issue. Subsequently, if your gums hurt or bleed for more than a week; don’t ignore them! Book an appointment with your dentist if you have gum pain.

Sore Gums Treatment by Dentist Toluca Lake

teeth cleaning

Dr. Sahakyan, your Dentist at Toluca Lake will ask you a set of questions. To mention a few, when your symptoms began? How frequently do they occur? Accordingly, he would decide if full-mouth dental X-Rays are needed. If you’re pregnant? Did you’ve had any changes in your diet recently? Accordingly, the dentist may ask you for a blood test to check for an infection.

Depending on the cause of your swollen gums, Dr. Sahakyan, your Toluca Lake Dentist, would prescribe medications that help prevent gingivitis and reduce plaque. Besides, he may as well suggest that you use a specific brand of toothpaste. Furthermore, in some cases, antibiotics may be indispensable.

Your Toluca Lake Dentist may recommend going for surgery; if you have an extreme case of gingivitis. The dentist scrapes away dental plaque, diseased gums, and calculus, or tartar, on the roots of the teeth to make it easier for the remaining gums to heal.

Don’t ignore your swollen gums. Don’t keep trying home care remedies for weeks. See your dentist immediately to make sure the swelling isn’t a symptom of something more serious.

If you’re looking to treat your sore gums at Toluca Lake, visit our clinic My Dentist Toluca Lake today. Call us before coming at 818-483-9077 to book a prior appointment. We will be happy to answer all your queries and guide inform you about the range of options available in the clinic.


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