Smooth Surface Cavities

tooth decay

We all know that cavities can form anywhere on a tooth. Cavity-causing bacteria can hit all areas of a tooth if it’s uncovered. A smooth surface cavity may appear on the circumference or side of a tooth. Don’t panic! The good news is a dentist can take care of this type of cavity. He can furthermore, prevent the weakening of the tooth structure.

How You Can Sense a Cavity?

Cavities generally make their existence known instead of being discovered by an individual. In general, the first sign that something is wrong would be a simple toothache, softness around the jawline, or pain while chewing. Many experience temperature sensitivity. However, at times you may visually detect a cavity as well.

People who drink non-fluoridated water, undergo radiotherapy, have diabetes, are smokers, are alcohol and drug users, and people who drink too many sugary drinks are at the highest risk of developing cavities.

Types of Dental Cavities

Dental professionals categorize cavities considering where they appear on the tooth. Besides, their stage of decay. There are different locations on a tooth where cavities can build up:

  • Pits and fissures
  • The biting surfaces of your teeth
  • Surfaces where a tooth touches the neighboring tooth
  • Cervical surfaces parts of the teeth next to the gums
  • Smooth surfaces circumference of the tooth or in between the teeth
  • Roots, the parts of the tooth below the gum line

Smooth Surface Cavity Treatment

dental care

Regrettably, cavities only get worse if neglected. Without professional treatment at the right time, things will deteriorate. The type of treatment, however, depends on the severity of the cavity. When you bring it to your dentist’s attention, he will detect the issue and suggest treatment to stop tooth decay in the early stages of cavity development. He will recommend things to strengthen enamel and eliminate bacteria intrusion.

A regular dental check-up is a must. Habitually, when a dentist carries out regular dental exams he catches the cavities at the very earliest stages. If you do not have the habit of regular checkups; but notice signs and symptoms of a cavity; rush to your dentist before it’s too late. Your dentist would remove the decayed area. Usually, the dentist would go for fillings or crowns. However, fillings generally cover a small hole in the tooth; a larger surface of decay may necessitate a crown for coverage.
Did the decay reach further than the original surface of a tooth into the delicate interior? Well, in that case, the dentist Dr. Sahakyan, the best dentist in Toluca Lake might recommend a root canal to remove the infected nerve.

Once a smooth surface cavity has damaged a tooth beyond saving, the dentist at Toluca Lake would be left with the only option of extracting the tooth.

How to Prevent a Smooth Surface Cavity?

To put it in simple words, poor oral hygiene is responsible for tooth decay. This includes smooth surface cavities. To keep away from dental decay, your dentist would generally advise you to brush your teeth twice per day with fluoride toothpaste. It is important to visit your dentist every six months. Avoid snacking or sipping beverages other than water during the day. Have fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
Proper oral hygiene, a healthy diet, and regular dental checkups are keys to preventing a smooth surface cavity.

Why Choose us for Smooth Surface Cavities Toluca Lake?

If you’re worried about cavities or cavities? Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Sahakyan, an expert Toluca Lake Dentist. Follow the steps recommended for a healthier mouth and protect your teeth from cavities. Our dentists are committed to helping you maintain your oral health!


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