teeth cleaningHow To Treat Gum Pain

If you have pain, swelling, or sores on your gums that persist longer than a couple of weeks; you should not ignore them. If your gums hurt or bleed for more than a week, you notice red swollen gums; these are signs of gum disease. To get your gums back to normal you need a specialist. If you don’t treat it on time it can cause painful pockets of pus called abscesses. Subsequently, it can lead to tooth loss. Most importantly, gum disease may lead to heart disease, so it’s exceedingly essential to take good care of your mouth.

This blog intends to explain the causes and treatment for gum pain.

Understanding the causes of gum pain:

  • Rough brushing and flossing
  • Ignoring oral care
  • Canker sores
  • Allergic reaction to dental hygiene products
  • Hormonal changes

Symptoms that indicate a serious condition of your gums:

  • Notice gums are red, tender, or swollen
  • Loose teeth
  • If your gums bleed when you brush or floss your teeth
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Notice a change in how your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Feel pain when chewing

Possible complications of gum pain

Failure to ask for treatment at the right time can result in serious complications. At times, it may lead to permanent damage. The moment you notice or feel a gum problem; visit your Dentist in Toluca Lake immediately. Once the core reason is diagnosed, you need to follow the treatment plan recommended by the dentist. Dr. Sahakyan, the best dentist in Toluca Lake, would advise you on the habits to follow to reduce the risk of potential complications. However, regular brushing, flossing properly, and getting your teeth cleaned habitually are important. Make an appointment with your Toluca Lake Dentist, for a full diagnosis and suggestions for treatment. Treatment for gum pain, however, depends upon the underlying cause.

Toluca Lake Gum Pain: Treatment from My Dentist Toluca Lake


Dr. Sahakyan may recommend professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from the gums. The dentist at Toluca Lake may also prescribe an antibacterial mouthwash, to kill excess bacteria and put off the future build-up of plaque.

In case the gum condition is serious, the dentist may suggest surgery to repair bone or gum loss. At times, this can include bone and tissue grafting to promote the growth of new, healthy tissue.
If the gum pain is due to sinusitis; it generally lessens once the infection clears up. For bacterial infections, your Toluca Lake Dentist may advise antibiotics.

If you are suffering from tooth eruption, the dentist may suggest root canal treatment. During this procedure, the dentist Toluca Lake will take out the infected pulp and the abscess from the root and subsequently patch up and seal the damaged tooth.

Professional treatments for gum pain include the following:

  • Scaling and Root Planing
  • Antibiotics
  • Bite Adjustment
  • Tissue Removal

The Takeaway

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy life. To put it in simple words, a regular visit to a dentist is very important for the prevention of plaque buildup, and dental infections. Accordingly, head to your dentist immediately if you experience gum pain. Gum pain can be of different types. Some people experience a twinge in a single area of the gums, while others experience pain throughout their mouths. If you fail to take good care of your gums at the very initial stage, the situation can worsen. Most importantly, it becomes inflamed, dirtied, and cut, or you may even suffer from various diseases. The safest way to alleviate gum pain is to visit your dentist.

Visit our clinic My Dentist Toluca Lake today. You can also call us at 818-483-9077 to book a prior appointment with Dr. Sahakyan.

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