Health Benefits of Straight Teeth


Wondering how to get straight teeth? Worried that the expenditure of straightening your teeth isn’t worth the result? Do you consider that having straight teeth only promotes your appearance? It might surprise you to know that straight teeth at Toluca Lake, can benefit your health!

Health Benefits of Straight Teeth by Dentist Toluca Lake

Why are crooked and misaligned teeth, such troublemakers? Malocclusions set unusual pressure on your teeth and jaw, setting the stage for a wide array of problems. This can to put in simple words, can raise your risk of periodontal disease. In contrast, straight teeth are more likely to allow your teeth and jaw to perform as designed, and they are easier to retain. You surely don’t have to be a dentist to be aware of the several health benefits of straight teeth. Let’s discuss a few.

Straight Teeth Last Longer

Biting and chewing cause a reasonable amount of pressure. Properly aligned teeth can handle it without any issues. However, the same cannot be said of teeth that are impacted by malocclusion. Bite problems put extreme pressure on areas that cannot cope with them. Subsequently, it results in the untimely wearing of the teeth. In due course, this can cause chipping, abnormal flattening of the biting surface, notching at the gum line, and fractures along the boundaries of the teeth. This damage is at times unappealing. Worse, it weakens your teeth, raises your threat for periodontal issues, and increases the chances that you’ll need costly dental work to fix your smile.

Reduce The Risk of Jaw Trouble

A bad bite strains your teeth. Besides, it also stresses the joints of the jaw. The temporomandibular joints are the attached joints that tie your jaw to your skull near your ears. When these joints and the muscles that hold them are irritated by the damage produced by crooked or misaligned teeth, you feel jaw pain, dizziness, earaches, ringing in your ears, and headaches. Individuals struggling with jaw pain and constant headaches may find that treating their malocclusion provides relief from these problems.

Help You Avoid Periodontal Disease

dental problems

Wondering why straight teeth make it easier to keep away from periodontal disease? Well, they’re easier to keep clean. Curved and misaligned teeth can make it unbelievably hard to eliminate bacteria, and lingering bacteria is what triggers the periodontal disease. A contagion that damages the tissues that support your teeth. Periodontal disease is at times called gum disease. However, the gums aren’t the only part of the body at risk. Even though the gums are usually the first area to be impacted, the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone can also be affected. In its earliest stages, periodontal disease leads to tenderness, redness, and bleeding when you brush or floss. Eventually, the infection steps forward, causing chronic inflammation and damage to the soft tissue. If you allow the process to continue and leave it unchecked, the gums begin to drawback. Then, bone is lost. Finally, tooth loss occurs.

Protect Your Overall Health

By making it easier to carry out effective dental hygiene that removes bacteria before they can cause a problem, straight teeth defend your overall health. Did you know that contagion that begins in your mouth can endanger your entire body? A bacterium that attacks the gum tissue doesn’t have to stop there. It can also pass through the blood vessels and go into your bloodstream. Once there, it can harm your arteries, raising your threat of heart disease, stroke, and other severe health conditions. In caring for your teeth and gums, you can help your entire body.

My Dentist Toluca Lake as Your Toluca Lake Dentist

Are you looking to know the benefits of straight teeth? Look no further! Call My Dentist Toluca Lake at 818-483-9077 today to book an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan.

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