How Do Braces Work to Straighten Your Teeth?


Having a perfect smile boosts one’s confidence. With the advancement of technology, braces and aligners have come into practice. To put it in simple words, braces are the corrective metal wires that are put in one’s mouth to straighten the teeth and align them. However, they look tiny but the truth is that they are very complex. Small parts of the braces make them functional and work in the best ways possible. Dentist Toluca Lake takes care of all these little things. Most importantly, a good dentist must make sure that you get the best result in the less possible time. You can straighten your smile, widen it, and decrease it. Besides, you may even whiten your teeth if you have a great dentist whom you can trust.

Types of Braces

The type of braces your dentist recommends and you go for totally depends upon the condition of your teeth you have and the end goal you want to chase. Your age, overbite, and crooked teeth play an important role in this. If the issues in your jaw keep increasing, you would need more solid braces than before.

Classic braces are the basic ones that dentists use by default. They have metal brackets and are glued individually to each of your teeth. An archwire puts pressure on your teeth and jawline, and elastic O-rings connect the archwire to the brackets. Toluca lake dentist makes sure that the archwire is perfect as it plays a very important role in straightening your teeth.

The expert adjusts the archwire from time to time to make sure that the treatment is on the right track. After every few months, the wires are tightened or loosened. You need to go for regular checkups so that your dentist can monitor the success of your brace’s archwires.

How Do Braces Work?


To put it in simple words, braces keep on putting a lot of pressure on the jaw of the person. They also push the teeth in the right direction. The archwire puts the most pressure on your teeth and aligns them the correct way. Other parts like the brackets keep the wires intact and support the archwires.

When you are going ahead with braces, the dentist at times extracts your permanent teeth. This is because the jaw cannot accommodate all the pressure and it would eventually cause you a lot of pain and disturbance.
If you have stubborn teeth, you surely need to go for braces. This is when you must get the best braces in Toluca Lake.

If we talk about the functioning of the braces, then the braces use one’s gums to position the teeth. The tissues of your gums cushion your teeth. This is what the dentists refer to as Gingiva. Under the gums is a Periodontal Membrane that shields the lower half of one’s teeth. These two parts work in sync with your teeth and create a lot of pressure. This pressure rectifies your teeth and makes your jaw the right way.

Your teeth are bones and they need to be re-positioned. The two-prong-like portions of your teeth are the Alveolar Bones. So, yes, braces encourage your actual teeth to move. Besides, they also put pressure on the Periodontal Membrane. To put it in simple words, this is the basic ideology that is put into action for an effective braces treatment. Apart from this, the time duration and the kind of braces totally depend upon the condition of your teeth.

To know more call us at 818-483-9077. Book an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan. Subsequently, visit My Dentist Toluca Lake dental clinic to seek consultation on the best option in your case. The team would only be too happy to help.

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