A Bleeding Socket after Tooth Extraction

tooth extraction

Post-tooth extraction, it is usual for the area to bleed. Normally within a few minutes, it clots. It is unusual if bleeding goes on without clot formation, or lasts beyond 8 to 12 hours. This is known as post‐extraction bleeding.

How Long Does a Socket Bleed after Tooth Extraction?

Habitually, your mouth bleeding stops after a duration of 24 hours from the time of your tooth pulling out. Until then a small amount of bloody discharge from the spot of your surgery should not be nerve-racking!

How Do You Treat a Bleeding Socket: Toluca Lake Dentist

Use a moist sheet of gauze. Fold it into a postage stamp size and then place it over the socket and hold firmly in place for 5 minutes until hemostasis is established

If bleeding persists, clean the socket with saline, substitute the gauze, and ask the patient to bite tightly down on it for a further 30 minutes.

When Should I Be Worried About Bleeding after Tooth Extraction?

In some cases, residual bleeding may go on up to 24 hours after the pulling out of the teeth.
Noticing a small amount of blood every so often is normal. If too much bleeding goes on, a patient should reach out to the dentist immediately.
Constant bleeding subsequent to a dental extraction is unusual, however, the well-reported post-operative problem of dental surgery.

Management of Bleeding after Tooth Extraction


The dentist to arrest the bleeding would manually put pressure on a gauze pack placed over the area. The gauze size should be small to just cover the removed socket. The gauze, which is used, may be dampened so that the blood doesn’t congeal in the gauze and the blood clot is not dislodged when the gauze is detached.

A little amount of blood is mixed with the saliva. Therefore, the patient should not be too worried about the amount of blood loss.

Immediately post tooth extraction process, the patient is suggested to firmly bite and not chew on the gauze for at least 30 minutes. It is important that the gauze is held in the mouth for 30-45 minutes. The patient should try to curtail talking for a minimum of 2-3 hours after the tooth extraction.

Post-surgical wisdom tooth confiscation, the small oozing may happen for up to 2-3 days. There may be blood-tinged saliva.

Steps to Be Taken If Bleeding Persists: Dentist Toluca Lake

Firstly, you should stay away from forceful rinsing of the mouth as it can extricate the clot formed at the extraction site.

On the other hand, you can also bite on a tea bag for 30 minutes. The tea bag should be dampened with water and then folded in half. Tannic acid that is present in the tea will cut the bleeding by constricting the blood vessels.

Failing that you can too moisturize a clean cotton handkerchief. Keep in mind that you should not use tissue paper or cotton wool at this stage. Enfold this into a pile so that it is narrow enough to fit between teeth on either side of the socket. However, wide enough to cover the entire socket. It should be suitably bulky so that when the teeth are closed together, the wad applies a lot of pressure on the socket.

Tooth Extraction Toluca Lake

If bleeding persists after 30 minutes of regular pressure contact the dental clinic immediately. Visit us at My Dentist Toluca Lake or give us a call at 818-483-9077 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan, your Toluca
Lake Dentist.

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